Bridgnorth, Shrops



Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 HIGGINS, Ann  Abt 1798Bridgnorth, Shrops I1852
2 HIGGINS, Henry  Abt 1797Bridgnorth, Shrops I1851
3 HIGGINS, Michael  Abt 1795Bridgnorth, Shrops I1850
4 HIGGINS, William  Abt 1793Bridgnorth, Shrops I137


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Baptism    Person ID 
1 HIGGINS, Ann  20 Dec 1798Bridgnorth, Shrops I1852
2 HIGGINS, Henry  2 Apr 1797Bridgnorth, Shrops I1851
3 HIGGINS, Michael  8 Mar 1795Bridgnorth, Shrops I1850
4 HIGGINS, William  30 May 1793Bridgnorth, Shrops I137